The Association of Independent Schools of Greater Washington
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The Lab School of Washington Families of Color Meeting - Complement to our Admissions Info Sessions and not in place of one.
The Lab School of Washington
4759 Reservoir Road NW
Washington, DC 20007-1921
(202) 965-6600

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Thursday, April 21, 2022, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM EDT
Category: Open Houses

While we'd love to meet you in person, in these times of COVID-19, we've put together an Admissions 2.0 experience for you! It all begins with signing up for one of the online sessions. We will send a reminder email a day or two before the session with instructions about how to sign on. If you are new to Zoom, please visit this Zoom Support page, download the ZOOM videoconferencing platform, and familiarize yourself with it before the info session.

Click here for more information.