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Admission Officers Workshop
Friday, December 08, 2023
Category: AISGW Events

Admission Officers Workshop

Mindful Communication:
Tools for Compassionate Conversations

Friday, December 8th, 2023
9-11 a.m.
Madeira School

Facilitated by Resilience and Mindfulness Educator Alan Brown

As admission officers, we regularly find ourselves in conversations that carry a sense of urgency or high stakes for those we engage with — discussions about enrollment numbers, admissions decisions, financial aid awards, and beyond. These topics can lead to heightened nervous system activation, making the interactions more difficult for all involved. 

This workshop will explore mindful communication practices aimed at bringing greater ease to these charged situations and supporting us to stay present, connected, and compassionate. Specifically, we will explore ways to account for and deescalate the threat response in the nervous system — both before and during conversations that may be tricky. We will also explore strategies to maintain patience and empathy when they don’t arise spontaneously.

Anyone working in a school admission office is welcome.

Cost: $55 per person

Click here to register